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Ice Age: Continental Drift RealD 3D Movie Review
RATING 3.0 OUT OF 5 STARS First came the God particle, the Higgs boson. Then came ``Ice Age (2002). Then, ``Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006). Then ``Ice Age: Dawn of the...
Kyaa Super Kool Hain Hum Movie Review
RATING 2.0 OUT OF 5 STARS Adult comedies are just coming into vogue in Hindi cinema and it will take a long time for it to mature and for us to...
Harud Movie Review
RATING 4.0 OUT OF 5 STARS Harud is a film set in Kashmir. The fact that it doesnt play out like an Indian film or a Pakistani film is one of...
The Dark Knight Rises Movie Review
RATING 4.5 OUT OF 5 One man who deserves to be accredited for having given the Batman series a grand facelift is Christopher Nolan. Its not easy to keep a franchise...
GATTU Movie Review
Films with children as the main characters are no longer a rarity. Thank god for that! It’s imperative that our cinema cultivate a culture of entertainment that children can empathise with...
Challo Driver Movie Review
The story is that of a puritanical slave-driver-with-a-heart ArjunKapoor (played by Mr directorVickrant Mahajan himself) and a typical Punjabi girl with an attitude Tanaya Malhotra (Kainaz Motivala).Tanaya, in need of money in order to start her own adventure travel...