Latest Reviews & Gossips: Step Up 4: Revolution 3D Movie Review

Monday 6 August 2012

Step Up 4: Revolution 3D Movie Review


Step Up Revolution for most part runs like a typical bollywood potboiler- a rich girl with dreams her dad doesnt understand, a poor guy who is after his dreams, new love comes in the way of friendship and all ends well with a song and a dance. Severely cheesey and sweet to the point of giving one diabetes, what saves this film is the Dance. And Dance is aplenty here.

Much like the earlier versions of the Step Up series, Dance is the main reason dtre of the movie. Beginning with a beautiful energetic flash mob, Step Up revolutions tells the story of a group of dancers, called The Mob, who are out to win a you tube contest for most likes on their flash mob dance videos. Some innovative and scintillating dance sequences later the group decides to take it upon themselves to use the art form for saving their part of Miami from a rich hotelier. There is a love angle thrown in, for good measure and dollops of sappy dialogues. 

Visually, the film is smart. It has something for everyone- wow worthy dances especially the one in an art museum, ample shots of bikini clad babes on the beach for those who dont care much for dance, and a Twilight-ish juvenile romantic track for those who care for none of the earlier. Superficially, it also touches upon the idea of performance art taking form of protest art. How art, however harmless and joyful, is always looked down upon and penalized is also an inherent theme. Sadly, neither of these are fleshed thoroughly enough, resulting in a mish-mash of superficial candy floss. Emotions come across as fake, hormones on an overdrive and scenes look like fillers in between the dance routines.

It is evident that cast neednt know much apart from dancing. None of them can act to save their lives and depend heavily on drop dead looks and extremely skimpy clothing to pass muster scenes where their footwork is not on display. None is complaining too, since expecting anything more from the series is a mistake on the viewers part. The 3D works well, accentuating the dances, while remaining ineffective in the talkie parts. Watch this one only if you love dancing or to watch dance. For the rest, wait for it to come on the idiot box a few months later.

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